Pricing & Tickets

All Buy Side passes are carefully vetted

If you register for a buy side pass and do not qualify as buy side under our criteria (see below), your pass *will* be cancelled and you may not be informed.

Select Your Packages

Unit Price



Main Conference - Buy Side

Buy Side Free

Buy side firms are any end user client who have AUM on their books and do not have any trading clients including: Pension Funds, Sovereign Wealth Funds, Family Offices, Asset Managers, Private Banks/Wealth Managers, Insurance Companies, Corporates, Hedge Funds, Fund of Funds, Investment Banks (dependent on role & remit).

Unit Price
£999.00 £0.00

£{{ total }}

Main Conference - Venture Capital & Crypto Funds

Register By 25th March

Unit Price
£999.00 £799.00

£{{ total }}

Main Conference - Sell Side & Other Financial Institutions

Register By 25th February

This includes: Sell Side, ETF Providers/issuers, TradFi Exchanges, Market Makers, Outsourced Trading Desks and Proprietary Trading firms.

Unit Price
£1,999.00 £1,299.00

£{{ total }}

Main Conference - Tech Vendors & Solution Providers

Register By 25th February - Vendors

This includes: Technology Vendors, Infrastructure Providers, Crypto Venues & Exchanges, Networks & Protocols.

Unit Price
£2,699.00 £1,999.00

£{{ total }}

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Order Total

£{{ total }}

Group Discount for Sell Side Package Only

  • 10% discount for 3+ groups


All buy side passes are carefully vetted. If you register for a buy side pass and do not qualify as buy side under our criteria (see below), your pass *will* be cancelled and you may not be informed.

‘Buy side’ firms are any end user client who have AUM on their books and do not have any trading clients – we classify the following types of firms as buy side:

  • Pension funds
  • Sovereign wealth funds
  • Family offices
  • Asset managers
  • Private banks/ wealth managers
  • Insurance companies
  • Corporates
  • Hedge funds
  • Fund of funds
  • Investment Banks (dependent on role & remit)

Any firm that has trading clients of their own or trade on behalf of other asset managers - sell side tier 1, 2 and 3 banks, broker dealers, prime brokers, custodians, prime of primes, ETF providers (including asset manager ETF issuers), outsourced trading desks, consultants, fund administrators, technology providers, platforms and venues - do not fall into the definition of a ‘buy side’ firm. Proprietary firms will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, entirely at our discretion, and may or may not be granted a buy side pass.

Complimentary buy side passes:

I hereby allow Worldwide Business Research to charge a “no show compensation” fee of: UK based events GBP £400 + VAT if applicable / European mainland based events Euro €450 + VAT if applicable / USA based events USD $500 + VAT if applicable to my credit card if I or a nominated replacement fails to attend the main two day conference.

You can review our full cancellation and substitution policy, as well as data protection guidelines here.

Our Sponsors: